10 easy Sunnahs to follow in Ramadan

3 min read
Sunnahs are the teachings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and following them can increase our rewards and blessings in this blessed month. So, without further ado, let’s get started.
Sunnah 1: Suhur The first Sunnah is to have Suhur, which is the pre-dawn meal before starting the fast. Suhur provides energy and nourishment for the body, and it’s an act of worship that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged us to do. So, wake up early, have a healthy and balanced meal, and make dua for a blessed Ramadan.
Sunnah 2: Breaking the Fast with Dates and Water The second Sunnah is to break the fast with dates and water. Dates are a nutritious and energy-boosting fruit that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to break his fast, and water is essential for hydrating the body after a long day of fasting. So, make sure to have some dates and water to follow this Sunnah.
Sunnah 3: Increase in Quranic Recitation The third Sunnah is to increase in Quranic recitation during Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of the Quran, and reciting, reflecting, and understanding its meanings can increase our iman and guidance. So, make a habit of reciting Quran every day, even if it’s a few verses, and try to complete at least one full recitation of the Quran in Ramadan.
Sunnah 4: Giving Charity The fourth Sunnah is to give charity during Ramadan. Giving charity is an act of worship that purifies our wealth, helps the needy, and earns Allah’s blessings and forgiveness. So, donate to a charitable cause, such as feeding the poor, supporting an orphanage, or building a mosque, and make dua for the recipients.
Sunnah 5: Offering Taraweeh Prayer The fifth Sunnah is to offer Taraweeh prayer. Taraweeh is a special prayer that is offered after Isha prayer during Ramadan. It consists of reciting long portions of the Quran and can increase our iman, knowledge, and connection with Allah. So, try to offer Taraweeh every night, either at home, in the mosque, or online.
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Sunnah 6: Making Dua The sixth Sunnah is to make dua during Ramadan. Dua is a powerful act of worship that can bring us closer to Allah and fulfill our needs and desires. So, make dua after every prayer, during Sujood, at the time of breaking the fast, and in the last ten nights of Ramadan, when Laylatul Qadr is expected.
Sunnah 7: Offering Iftar to Others The seventh Sunnah is to offer iftar to others. Sharing our blessings with others is an act of worship that can increase our rewards and bring happiness to others. So, invite family, friends, neighbors, or even strangers to share iftar with you, and make dua for their well-being.
Sunnah 8: Observing Itikaf The eighth Sunnah is to observe Itikaf during the last ten days of Ramadan. Itikaf is a spiritual retreat in which a person secludes himself in the mosque or a designated place for the sake of worship and remembrance of Allah. It’s an excellent opportunity to detach from the worldly distractions andfocus on our relationship with Allah. So, if possible, try to observe Itikaf for a few days, and engage in dhikr, Quranic recitation, dua, and other acts of worship.
Sunnah 9: Controlling Anger and Speech The ninth Sunnah is to control our anger and speech during Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of patience and forgiveness, and we should strive to avoid arguments, backbiting, and other negative behaviors. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith and seeking reward, his past sins will be forgiven, and whoever stands for prayer at night with faith and seeking reward, his past sins will be forgiven.” So, let’s strive to follow this Sunnah and seek Allah’s forgiveness.
Sunnah 10: Seeking Laylatul Qadr The tenth Sunnah is to seek Laylatul Qadr during the last ten nights of Ramadan. Laylatul Qadr is the Night of Decree, which is better than a thousand months in terms of blessings and rewards. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever stands in prayer on Laylatul Qadr out of faith and seeking reward, his past sins will be forgiven.” So, let’s make an effort to seek Laylatul Qadr, through offering extra prayers, making dua, and engaging in other acts of worship.
Conclusion: So, these were the 10 Sunnahs to follow in Ramadan. By following these Sunnahs, we can increase our rewards, blessings, and closeness to Allah. May Allah accept our fasts, prayers, and good deeds in Ramadan, and grant us His forgiveness and mercy.