12 Things To Do Before Hajj

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You can do these 12 things in preparation for hajj

  1. Your Hajj money should be earned Halal way.
  2. All your Debts should be paid off before leaving for Hajj.
  3. Get Vaccinations before leaving, so you will not get sick or get any virus.
  4. Buy an Ihraam.
  5. Get a pocket Quran or Download a Quran App.
  6. Meet your friends and family and try to patch up with the ones you had fought or had any kind of misunderstanding.
  7. Trim Nails, Beard hair, and Private parts hair.
  8. Do not publicize your Hajj and do not boast about it.
  9. Get basic medicines with you.
  10. Get necessary things such as clothes, dua books and islamic books to read.
  11. Seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.
  12. Make a lot of Duas

Read 7 excellent deeds that are rewarded in the same way as Hajj

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