6 Benefits of doing Istighfar

3 min read
People frequently overlook the significance of the modest yet effective dua (supplication) Istighfar, which is uttering “Astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness of Allah). This was said at least 100 times a day by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). In shaa Allah, let us look at the benefits and qualities of repeating this simple yet lovely supplication.
Istighfar (Astaghfirullah) is the road to happiness and relief. Start chanting it whenever you are distressed, and it will, insha Allah, lift you out of your anxiety, place you in a tranquil position, and bring you happiness.
- Istighfar relieves tension and answers duas.
- Istighfar unlocks the door to wealth.
- Istighfar is the one who opens the door to mercy.
- Istighfar is the key to unlocking knowledge.
- Istighfar helps your fertility.
- Istighfar makes you feel better.

Astaghfirullah also aids us in avoiding all kinds of sins. Saying this on a regular basis reminds us that Allah is everywhere, and there are very few chances of us doing something wrong.
Ibn Abbas (RadiyAllahu Anhu) said, “Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said,
“If anybody begs forgiveness from Allah on a regular basis, Allah will provide for him a way out of every sorrow and a respite from every concern, as well as nourishment from places he does not expect.”
[Abu Dawud] [Abu Dawud] [Abu Dawud]
Abdullah bin Abbas (RadiyAllahu Anhu) narrates in another hadith that Rasulullah (ﷺ) said:
“Whoever says Istighfaar on a regular basis, that is, frequently repents to Allah Ta’aala for sins committed, Allah Azza Wa-Jal will open a way out of poverty and hardships. All grief and suffering will be lifted, and wealth and contentment will be bestowed in their place. Sustenance will come from unexpected and unimagined places.”
In another Hadith, Rasulullah (ﷺ) says:
“Whoever asks forgiveness from Allah Ta’aala twenty-six or twenty-five times a day for Muslim males and females, Allah Ta’aala will count that person among those whose Du’a is accepted, and through whose barakah people on earth acquire Rizq (sustenance).”
Do the Tasbih of Astaghfaar at least 100 times every day, since it is Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah (ﷺ).
You can recite “Astaghfiru Allaah” more than 100 times in a short period of time! Obtaining forgiveness, joining Paradise, having good provisions, improving one’s strength, repelling harm, having affairs facilitated, the descent of rain, and rising in wealth and children are all reasons for seeking forgiveness.
Because the doors of repentance are always open, don’t put off your repentance in the expectation of a better tomorrow, because tomorrow is never certain. Make it a habit to ask Allah’s forgiveness by reciting “Astaghfirullah” right now.
Say I believe in Allah’s mercy, I’ve strayed, gone wrong, been careless, but I still believe in Allah’s calming mercy and forgiveness, and I won’t be discouraged!
Al-Ghaffaar – The Great Forgiver, The Forgiver, the One who forgives the sins of His captives time and time again – is one of Allah’s 99 names. The Quran contains numerous verses emphasising the need of seeking Allah SWT’s pardon. Here are a few examples:
“Seek pardon from your Lord, and turn to Him in repentance, so He may grant you excellent enjoyment for a time appointed, and pour His overflowing Grace onto every owner of grace,” he says (i.e. the one who helps and serves needy and deserving, physically and with his wealth, and even with good words). But if you turn away, I foresee the anguish of a Great Day (i.e., the Day of Resurrection) for you.”
11:3) (Hud) (Hud) (Hud) (Hud)
“Proclaim (O Muhammad ﷺ) to My slaves that I am the Most-Merciful, the Oft-Forgiving.”
(15:49 Al-Hijr)
“Then, unquestionably! Your Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful to those who do ill (commit crimes and disobey Allâh) in ignorance and then repent and do righteous deeds.”
16:119 (An-Nahl)
“Only your Lord knows what is in your hearts. If you are righteous, then He is Ever Most Forgiving to those who return to Him in obedience and repentance again after time.”
(17:25) (Al-Isra)
“And verily, I am Forgiving to anyone who repents, believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me), and does righteous good actions, and then continues to do them till he dies.”
(20:82 Ta-Ha)
“And say, ‘My Lord!’ (O Muhammad ﷺ). Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Most Merciful of Mercy-Givers!”
(23:118 in Al-Mumenoon)
Do you require additional verses? Check out the Quran! There are numerous scriptures in the Bible that emphasise the significance of requesting forgiveness. Some texts refer to earlier Prophets and their followers. But these are contacting us again because Allah SWT wants us to learn from the past – His acceptance of pardon from them and His severe retribution for the ignorant groups.
So, did you say “Astagfirullah” (I pray to Allah for forgiveness) 100 times today?
Read this amazing Book “Don’t Be Sad” : https://amzn.to/3htS1K0
Reference: Sunnah.com, Quran.com, https://quranacademy.io/You can now buy us a coffee if you like our works: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/itup