6 min read
We all have various desires, and there are numerous ways to obtain what you seek in life. However, in this post, I will show you how to obtain anything you desire in life from Allah
People can sometimes assist you, and other times they cannot, but Allah can and will always assist you in making the most of your life. So, how are you going to acquire whatever you want from Allah? The procedure for attaining what you want from Allah is straightforward:
- Have Faith in Yourself
- Next, take steps to make your desire a reality while avoiding distractions.
- Dua to Ask Allah for Assistance (A powerful Dua that can bring you Miracles and ask the One who can grant you anything).
If there’s one way to get something, it’s to ask the one and only One who can and will give it to you.
If you are the type of person that achieves their goals, you will have an easier time getting what you want. It’s much easier for someone who considers themselves to be fit to go for a daily walk, or for someone who considers themselves to be productive to get organised. Taking a regular walk or becoming organised are both behaviours that correspond with who you feel yourself to be.
So, if you truly desire something, make it your mission to become the person who achieves it. It will be much easier to obtain what you desire.
Believe that nothing will be able to stop you from being the person you desire. I believe you can do it because you’ve done it before, and we’ve all done it before.
When you were a kid, you used to watch movies or cartoons and read about people who impressed you, perhaps super heroes who you idolised. So, what happened next? After you’ve finished watching, you begin to act as if you’re that super hero; you’re that person you’re attempting to imitate.
Parents refer to this as “role play,” but what you’re really doing is utilising your imagination to become that person. It’s how Allah made us, therefore we all did it.
You start talking like them, behaving like them, and dressed like them by using your imagination. You began acting in the manner in which you thought that person to be. And for a brief period of time, you imagined you were that person.
When you enrol as a student, you do the same thing; you embrace that identity and take on the role of the student. What did you do when you first started out in the workforce? You were given the title of assistant, trainee, or whatever you wanted to call it, and you accepted it. You began to act in the manner of a qualified individual. You began to act and emulate in the manner of that individual. It’s something we do all the time.
People are mentally preparing for the perfect role. However, while training, they act like the person they are attempting to become. I worked as a consultant in my early years of my profession, although I started out as a trainee. I was a trainee, and I would sit and observe the managing consultant to see how they acted. I would observe how they performed their daily activities and then imitate or replicate them.
We do it all the time as children, and we do it all the time as adults. We all act as if we want to be treated.
So, if you want to be anything, you must first determine what you want to be and then begin acting out those parts. Insha’Allah, the first step toward attaining what you want will be to begin acting as though you are on your way to becoming that person.
You can’t become a lawyer, an accountant, a teacher, or any of these professions until you start doing what these people do.
All of the people with years of experience started where you are today – with no experience. They started acting like that person after they determined that’s who they wanted to be.
You will only ever receive what you desire from Allah if you believe it is possible and Allah will provide it.

You are the best of people, as Allah swt says in the verse, since you do good. Enjoining the good entails taking actions toward making it a reality.
Whatever you desire in life is within your grasp if you take the steps necessary to make it a reality. To accomplish so, you must first seek out the knowledge necessary to become that person and obtain the things you desire.
You, like any other person in any trade or career, must gain the necessary information and expertise to achieve your objectives.
Remember that you must be the person who has obtained what you desire. Take the necessary measures to gain a better comprehension of the material. A doctor, for example, must first study medicine before being able to practise medicine and heal others.
Top 10 best time for Making Dua
Become a professional and learn how to act like one. A professional is a person who has mastered a certain skill. A professional is someone who is always learning and improving in their field.
They’re always looking for opportunities to further their knowledge in that field. You must also follow the same procedure. So you’ll have to figure out exactly what they know and then learn it.
Once you have your understanding, you must use it by taking continual action, as Allah mentions in this verse.
Continue to act as if you are already the person you need to be to achieve your goals, then take regular efforts to develop yourself on a daily basis. Continue to be that person until you achieve your goals. If you continue to emulate that person’s actions, you will eventually improve to the point where you are the best.
You improve to the point when you are better than everyone else. And, whether you feel like it or not, if you want to be the best in that role, that position at work, or whatever else you’re attempting to achieve, you must continue to take action every single day, whether you feel like it or not.
Because we have emotional ups and downs, a lack of motivation, a lack of willpower, and a lack of energy the most of the time. So just keep concentrating on the ONE next step, and don’t berate yourself for not getting there sooner. If you keep going in this direction, Allah swt will help you get there.
Remove any distractions or devise strategies to get over the roadblocks that are preventing you from reaching your goals. We are distracted by social media, entertainment, and a variety of other things. You must choose between pursuing your life’s objectives and desires and avoiding the distractions that waste your time and prevent you from achieving your goals.
If it’s important enough to you, you’ll do whatever it takes as long as it doesn’t contradict Allah’s commandments in the Quran and Sunnah. Some people would go to any length to get what they desire, even if it means doing things that Allah forbids us from doing. As a result, it’s critical to understand that Allah will never invest your success and happiness in anything that is Haram.
Allah is the only one who can give you anything, therefore if you’ve done the above and are always taking action, you’ve got the most time remaining.
Have tawakkul and rely in Allah (reliance). You must be just as diligent in asking Allah for assistance as you are in taking action.
He, the Most Glorious, Most Compassionate, and Most Powerful, has the ability to grant us anything. This is the believer’s most vital tool, but I saved it for last because we must comprehend that Allah wants us to contribute.
It isn’t good enough that we only believe. Throughout the Quran, Allah connects beliefs with actions, just as he does in this verse. In truth, Allah declares in this verse:
“You are the best of individuals because you enjoy the good things in life.”
Allah plainly demonstrates that taking action is required to become the finest version of yourself. However, taking action by itself will not help you succeed. You must have faith in Allah because it is He who provides us with the results and outcomes we desire.
I can’t emphasise how significant this is; it’s perhaps one of the most important lessons I’ve learnt in my years of studying and researching the Quran and Sunnah and how to apply them to my life.
Allah provides us with clear principles to follow, but in order to get the most out of life, we must study, contemplate, and act.
Allah can make the impossible possible if you make a Dua for it. There is nothing He can’t handle. After all, you’re just requesting something from his creation.
Finally, I’d like to emphasise the importance of developing into a successful person rather than simply achieving goals. You can achieve something in life, yet when you return to Allah, you will leave the dunya with nothing.
If you become a magnificent person, as Allah depicts you in this verse, you will not only achieve this worldly life, but you will also carry that person with you to the Akhira.
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