How to wake up for Fajr Prayer?

2 min read
Sleeping early: According to an authentic hadith, the Prophet (sa) disliked sleeping before ‘ishâ’ and then talking and chatting unnecessary after isha . (‘Abdur-Razzâq recorded it in his Musannaf; al-Albâni classified it as sound)
Muslims should not sleep before salât al-‘ishâ’ because it is self-evident that those who do would spend the remainder of the night feeling as tired and heavy as if they were sick.
Also, following ‘isha Muslim should not loiter and converse; scholars have explained why this is frowned upon. They say that conversing after ‘ishâ causes individuals to remain up late, which makes them afraid of missing qiyâm al-layl [optional night prayer], or the correct or preferable hour for fajr prayer.
As the commentators explain, the type of language that is hated after ‘ishâ’ is that which has no evident advantage. There is nothing wrong with it if there is a benefit – such as studying and gaining knowledge, learning stories of righteous people, conversing to a guest, spending time with one’s wife and family, speaking to travellers and taking care of them and their luggage, or any other legitimate cause. This has nothing to do with the reasons why so many individuals stay up late nowadays: to do wrongdoings and misdeeds! A Muslim should go to bed early so that he can wake up fresh for fajr; he should avoid staying up late since he will be too fatigued to rise up and pray fajr in congregation.
Know The 7 Sunnah before Sleeping
It is true that everyone’s sleep requirements are different. It is impossible to prescribe a specific number of hours for individuals to sleep; instead, each person should adhere to the schedule that would allow him or her to wake up refreshed for salat al-fajr. If a person knows from experience that sleeping after 11 p.m., for example, will prevent them from waking up for fajr, then they should not sleep any later than that, and so on.
It is easier to get up for fajr if one is tâhir [clean] and recites adhkâr [prayers and invocations] before sleeping.
Having a true intention and being resolved to get up for fajr before retiring to sleep. A person who goes to bed expecting that the alarm would not go off and that no one will come to wake them up will be unable to get up to pray Fajr while harbouring this negative intention.
As soon as one wakes up, remember Allah (swt): Some people have a habit of waking up and then falling back asleep. However, remembering Allah (swt) immediately after waking up will loosen one of the devil’s knots and urge them to get up. When they pray, their devil is defeated, their balance [of good actions] becomes heavier, and they feel glad and active. (Bukhari)
Use an alarm clock to wake up for Fajr and keep it far from your bed so that you cannot snooze and just sleep again.
Seeking assistance from family and friends in praying fajr on time and supporting one another: This is crucial, because it is unquestionably included in Allah’s (st) words:
…And work together in righteousness and piety… (Al-Qur’an 5:2)
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