Satan deceived this man with Two dinars

1 min read
According to Hasan Al Basri, there was once a tree that was worshipped instead of Allah. As a result, one individual made the decision to cut down the tree. He intended to chop down the tree in fury for Allah’s sake. He met the Shaytaan in the form of a man on his approach to the tree. “What are your plans?” Shaytaan inquired. “I’m going to take down that tree that is being worshipped instead of Allah,” the man replied. “If you don’t worship it, why should it affect you if others do?” asked the Shaytaan. “I’ll chop it down,” the man said. After that, the Shaytaan said to him, “Would you want something more appealing? If you don’t chop it, you’ll wake up with two dinars under your pillow every morning.” “Where will I obtain that?” the man said. “I’ll give it to you,” Shaytaan responded.
When the man returned, he discovered two dinars beneath his pillow the next morning. He discovered two dinars beneath his pillow the next morning. He had not found anything the next morning. He became enraged and went to cut down the tree. The Shaytaan appeared to him once more in the form of the same man.
“What do you want to do?” Shaytaan inquired. “I intend to take down that tree that is worshipped instead of Allah!” the man replied. Shaytaan explained, “You lied to me. You’re not going to be able to do it.” The man had gone to cut it down. He was almost slain by the earth, which swallowed him whole. Shaytaan asked, “Do you know who I am. Shaytaan is my name. When I first met you, you were enraged for Allah’s sake, and I had no control over you. I duped you out of two dinars, and you stopped doing what you were planning [for Allah’s sake]. You’ve come because you’re upset over the two dinars, and I’ve gained control of you.” Now you cannot cut the tree.
Moral of the story: Do things for the sake of Allah with the right intention.
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