Story of three men and an Angel

3 min read
According to Abu Huraira, the Prophet (may Allah have mercy on him and grant him peace and blessings) said: “There were three Israelites present: a man with vitiligo, a bald man, and a man who was blind. Allah sent an angel to them to test them.”
What would you most like to have the angel asked the man with vitiligo as He approached him.
“A good complexion and healthy skin, and elimination of that which people have thought me dirty for,” he uttered.
When the angel touched him, his impureness vanished from him and he developed a healthy complexion.
The angel then enquired, “And what would you most like to have?”
Camel, he uttered.
As a result, he was given a she-camel in her tenth month of pregnancy. May Allah bless it for you, he remarked.
The angel then approached the bald man and asked, “What would you most like?”
“Nice hair, and get rid of this flaw that makes people loathe me,” he remarked.
When the angel touched him, the man’s baldness vanished and he grew a full head of hair.
What would you like to have, the angel now asked him?
Cattle, he uttered. His gift was a cow that was pregnant. May Allah bless it for you, he added.
Read The man ran away from Salah
What would you most like to have? the angel enquired as he approached the blind man.
“That Allah may restore my vision so that I may see others,” he prayed.
Allah then restored his sight after the angel touched him.
And what would you like to have, the angel said.
Sheep, he uttered. So, a pregnant sheep was handed to him.
In the end, one of the men had a valley full of camels, one had a valley full of cattle, and one had a valley full of sheep because the first two animals conceived, as well as this third animal.
The angel then appeared to the man wearing a disguise and stated, “I am a poor man who is at my wits’ end and has no other options today than to turn to Allah and you. I beg you for a camel so that I might complete my journey through the One who gave you a fair complexion, smooth skin, and prosperity.”
But I have numerous duties, the man remarked.
The angel then remarked, “I think I know you. You weren’t a man with vitiligo who was despised by society for being filthy and poor. And what did Allah provide to you?”
I simply inherited this fortune, which has increased generation after generation, he claimed.
The angel declared, “If you lie, then. May Allah bring you back to your previous state.”
Then the angel appeared to the man who was pretending to be bald and spoke to him in the same way that he did to the earlier man who had vitiligo. And the bald man responded in a similar manner as the earlier vitiligo patient. The angel then added, “If you lie, then. May Allah bring you back to your previous state.”
The angel then approached the blind man and said, “Being impoverished and on the road, I am at my wits’ end and have nowhere else to turn today but to Allah and to you. I beg you for a sheep to keep me going on my journey by the One who restored your vision.”
The man uttered, “I was once blind, but Allah gave me sight. Take what you want and leave the rest, if you so choose. Because I swear by Allah I won’t bother you about anything you do today for the glory of Allah.”
The angel declared, “Maintain what you have since you were only put to the test. You are the one Allah is pleased with, and He is angry with the other two.”
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