What are the 7 gates of Hellfire/Jahannam?

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These are the seven gates of Hellfire:
1-JAHANNAM – the initial entrance to hell: The faces of the men and women who enter through this gate will be burned by the fire. The faces will undoubtedly be burned, and their flesh will be consumed by the flames. This is the least severe punishment possible in Hell.
“Those who remained behind rejoiced in their staying [at home] after [the departure of] the Messenger of Allah, disliked fighting for Allah with their wealth and their lives, and said, ‘Do not go out in the heat.'” Say, “The heat of Jahannum’s fire is more intense” if they would only comprehend. – Quran 9:81
2-LAJHA – the second gate of hell: Internally and externally, the fire will consume and destroy the body parts one by one. People who did not believe in Allah (Tawheed) and who rejected His Prophets and His Messenger will enter through this gate.
“No! Indeed, this is the Hellfire (Lajha)” – Quran 70:15
3-SAQAR is the third gate of hell. Those who enter through this gate will be punished by having their flesh but not their bones consumed by fire.
“I will transport him to Saqar. And what can tell you what Saqar is? It destroys everything and leaves nothing untouched, turning the skins black. Over it is nineteen [angels]”. – Quran 74:26-30
The following are the actions that would elevate their guilt to this level.
They had not performed Salah (i.e. prayer).
They did not provide the poor with food.
They used to converse futilely with those who converse futilely.
They previously rejected and denied the Day of Reward.
“We were not of those who prayed, we did not feed the poor, we conversed in vain with those who conversed in vain, and we denied the Day of Recompense until death came and we saw the truth of everything we denied” Quran 74:40-47
4-HUTAMAH – the fourth gate of hell: The fire will shatter the skeletons of these humans and consume their hearts and internal organs. The fire will devour the victim’s feet before reaching the heart.
“Rather, they will be cast into Al Hutamah” (i.e. Crushing Fire). And how will you come to understand what Al Hutamah is? Allah’s fire, stoked by men and rocks, which scorches the hearts. Certainly, it is vaulted over them with widely spaced pillars.” – Quran 104:4-9
What are the 8 gates of Jannah ?
5-JAHEEM – the fifth gate of hell: In this hell, there are large pieces of burning coal, one of which is larger than the one we are familiar with. The individuals who will be thrown through this gate are:
Not having the proper faith in Allah.
Refused to grant the rights to the creations.
Did not provide food for the needy.
“Seize him and shackle him!! Then, roast him in Jaheem (also known as hellfire) in chains measuring seventy cubits in length. This is because he did not believe in Allah, the Almighty, nor did he advocate for the feeding of the poor.” – Quran 69:30-34
6-SA’EER is the sixth entrance to hell. Since the day it was created, the fire in this hell has never stopped burning and has never been extinguished. There are 300 locations, 300 rooms in each location, and 300 types of punishments in each room. There are scorpions and serpents as well as ropes, chains, and irons. There exists a source of pain that is unique and intolerable.
“And they will say, ‘Had we listened and utilised our intellect, we would not be residents of As Sa’eer (i.e., blazing fire)! They confessed their sins, but away with As Sa’eer’s companions!” – Quran 67:10-11
7-HAAWIYAH is the seventh gate of hell, from which no one will ever escape. There is a mountain of fire, and those who oppose Allah will be laid face down on it, with their hands tied to their necks and their feet tied to their hands, while Zabaaniyah (angels of this level) will stand over them.
Allah states that the hands of angels will be as hard as iron, and they will beat the damned one by one with their hands in hell, yelling so loudly that everyone will hear.
“The Hawiyah will embrace the person whose scales are light as a mother embraces her child. And how will you come to understand what Al Hawiyah is? It is a newly lit fire that is blazing.” – Quran 101:8-11