What is the meaning of Alhamdulillah?

1 min read
The Arabic term “Hamd,” which means praise, lies at the heart of the phrase. The name “Hamd” does not, however, exclusively refer to praise. In terms of linguistics, Hamd is a broad term that encompasses praise. Along with the praise, it also contains implications of thankfulness, adoration, and admiration.
In English, I might congratulate someone on a noteworthy accomplishment. When I praise someone, I don’t have to be grateful to them or thank them for their accomplishment. Similarly, I can be grateful to someone for assisting me, but I don’t have to praise them for their assistance. The Arabic word Hamd, on the other hand, refers to both praise and thanks. As a result, the correct translation of Alhamdulillah, which includes the word “Hamd,” is “All praise and thanks is due to Allah.”