What to do when you are feeling lost?

2 min read
Congratulations, you did your first step by doing your research and trying to transform your life.
Bismillah. Let’s start with the name of Allah.
First of all, we have to ask ourselves, “Who am I?” “Why was I created?” ‘What is my purpose?” Answer is simpler that we think.
We are slaves of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and we are created to worship Allah Almighty.
Sometimes we forget that we are servants of Allah, we are not mighty, we are weak creations. We act like we can change everything and everyone. Let’s not take the role of God and act like we are almighty. When we take too much on our plates, it can demotivate us. It can give us a lot mental issue. Just trust Allah and do your best.
There are some techniques to do which you might find helpful:
1) Take your notebook or ipad. Write down everything what comes to your mind. No need to worry about structure or grammar. Jut free your mind from all the information and noise. Make a room for something new and exciting.
2) Close your eyes and hand all your worries and sorrow to Allah with full heart and mind.
3) Write down your plans. Do not be scared of failures. Be optimistic.
4) Wake up early. Do exercise. There are too many benefits of waking up early and doing exercises in the morning.
5) Do not compare your life with others. Comparing your life with others may lead to ungratefulness. Allah’s bounty is endless. Allah granted you many beautiful things as well. Learn to see and feel them. Be thankful.
6) Check your hormones at clinic. Hormones can have a significant impact on mood, mental health, and brain chemistry. Take treatment if needed.
7) Change your diet. Your diet might be a factor of being upset or not wanting anything. Changing a diet will bring positive changes in your life. Moderating is excellent way to go. Make sure you drink enough water.
8) Take full accountability of your life. Nobody will come and save us. We have to take accountability for our thoughts, words, actions, relationships, finances, education and works.
Author: Binti Abdaly
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