6 Amazing Benefits of Performing Umrah

4 min read
Umrah is a spiritual act of worship that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) considers to be the most soul-lifting Sunnah. Throughout the year, millions of pilgrims make the spiritual trek to the holy city of Makkah to perform Umrah. The blessings and advantages of Umrah are given to those who perform this spiritual rite with a good intention. Muslims pray to Allah for forgiveness and benefits in exchange for their mortal sins. Taking this hallowed route with the sole intention of performing Umrah provides tranquilly and contentment.

- Have the opportunity to be a holy guest of the Supreme Creator of the Universe: Umrah allows you to be a holy guest of the Supreme Creator of the Universe, who is also the King of All Kingdoms. The first and most pleasant reward that pilgrims can obtain through Umrah is that they will be guests of Allah Almighty, who will host the one who spends his time and wealth to please Allah Almighty with pure intents. According to Hazrat Abu Huraira RA, the Prophet PBUH said:
“Allah has three guests: the Ghazi (a warrior who battles in Jihad solely for Allah’s sake), the Hajji (a pilgrim who performs Hajj), and the Mu’tamir (a pilgrim who conducts Umrah).”
Hadith No. 2626, Book of The Rites of Hajj, Sunan An-Nasa’i, Vol. 3, Sunan An-Nasa’i.
It gives me shivers just thinking about being a guest of Allah, but it is one of the most lovely experiences in the world. The traveller may sense a weird tranquilly in himself from the time he arrives there. It benefits him to achieve a weird sense of serenity, purity, cleanliness, and fulfilment in his soul, body, and mind.
- Opportunity to erase sins: Every human being, by nature, commits sins, but Umrah allows us to purge our sins and purify our bodies and souls of the load of past transgressions. Our beloved Holy Prophet PBUH, according to Hazrat Abu Huraira RA, said:
“From one Umrah to the next, there is atonement for what has happened before, and ‘Hajj Al-Mabrur’ delivers no reward less than Heaven.”
It protects us on the Day of Judgment by sluicing all of our small sins committed prior to embarking on Umrah. As a result, the person is cleansed of all his previous sins and feels as if he were born again, his spirit and body free of sins. He Almighty provides His creation the opportunity to ask for forgiveness, and in the twinkling of an eye, He forgives His person. As a result, here is our moment to ask Him what He desires, and Umrah is the finest method to do so.
- Strengthen our Eman: In today’s hectic world, we commit several sins without even recognising it, weakening our faith over time. However, when a person performs Umrah with real and pure intentions only for the benefit of Allah Almighty and completes all of the Umrah ceremonies without error, he is unquestionably brought closer to Allah SWT. Along with the numerous advantages of Umrah, it also aids the performer in strengthening his Eman. Strong Eman is the most gratifying thing a believer can possess, and without it, he is no different than any other regular human being. He must remember what makes him unique in this life and the next. This is his Eman. As a result, we must work hard to strengthen our faith. We’ve already written a blog about how to strengthen our Eman, which you can read for more information.
- Provides physical strength: The beauty of Islam is that it benefits you in every manner possible, even if you are doing it for Allah Almighty, who is the Best of the Best Giver who gives you far more than you deserve. When you conduct Umrah, it offers you strength and aids you in overcoming physical ailments. As your soul becomes lighter, so does your body. Umrah improves our everyday provisions and nutrition while also keeping our bodies healthy.
- Removes Poverty: Umrah is one of the most beautiful acts of worship and a wonderful Sunnah of our beloved Holy Prophet, therefore how can Allah SWT not provide some benefit in return? The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Do Hajj and Umrah in that order, for they cleanse poverty and sin like hollers do impurities from iron.”
We can plainly understand from this lovely Hadith that performing Umrah is a source of poverty elimination. Another benefit of Umrah is the removal of poverty, which we can obtain by following the Sunnah of Prophet PBUH. Because pilgrims spend their money solely to seek forgiveness and please their Lord, Allah SWT blesses them with wealth. According to Muslim jurists, it is obligatory for anybody who is financially and physically capable to perform at least one Umrah in their lifetime, either during or before Hajj, or at any other time during the year. According to Hazrat Ayesha RA,
“Whoever greeneries his home merely for the obstinacy of Hajj or Umrah and dies, nothing will be available to him, nor will he have any responsibility on the Day of Reckoning, and it will be stated to him, come into Jannah.”
- Reward comparable to Jihad: Jihad is without a doubt one of Islam’s highest activities, and not everyone has the opportunity to participate in it. Martyrdom is the reward of Jihad because it is an act of dedication and tremendous love. There is no active Jihad in which Muslims can participate in modern times, yet performing Umrah will give you a reward equivalent to Jihad. The Messenger of Allah said:
Allah’s gift includes the soldier in Allah’s foundation, the pilgrim, and the one doing Umrah. He called them, and they responded, and they will seek for His abdications, which He will grant.”
On another occasion, He PBUH stated:
“Hajj and Umrah are the jihad of the old, the young, the weak, and the women.”
The excellent Hadith reminds us that those who are not strong enough to complete Umrah receive a multiplied recompense.
Read this book to know more about Hajj & Umrah: https://amzn.to/39aIaEx
Reference: https://www.takemetoumrah.com/, https://zamzam.com/
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