Alcohol and bacon “raise the chance of stomach cancer.”

1 min read
Alcohol consumption and eating processed meats like bacon have both been “highly” connected to stomach cancer.
According to a 2016 study from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), those who consume 50g of processed meat daily, or two rashers of bacon, are at an elevated risk of promoting the condition.
According to the study, there is also an elevated risk for people who use three or more alcoholic beverages daily.
Citrus fruit consumption, though, may actually assist to lower that risk, according to researchers.
Meat that has been preserved by smoking, curing, salting, or by the addition of preservatives is referred to as processed meat in the study. Examples include hot dogs, ham, bacon, pastrami, and salami.
Additionally, experts cited “substantial evidence” that eating foods salted to preserve them—such as pickled vegetables and salted or dried fish—increased the risk.
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In the UK, stomach cancer affects around 7,000 people annually and kills about 5,000 people.
90% of patients receive their diagnosis after the cancer has already begun to spread throughout their bodies.
According to Cancer Research UK, if a patient with advanced stomach cancer is still living two years after receiving a diagnosis, doctors consider them to be doing well.
Compared to women, men are twice as likely to develop stomach cancer, which is more common in adults.
While being overweight or obese has been connected to ten different diseases, processed meat has already been associated to bowel cancer.
Additionally, according to the scientists, there is “some data that suggests that ingesting grilled or barbecued meat and fish increases the risk of stomach cancer.”
When the report was released, Dr. Rachel Thompson, head of research interpretation at the WCRF, stated: “This evidence gives us a clearer picture.
For the first time, we can now state that consuming processed meat, drinking alcohol, and being overweight or obese can all raise the chance of developing stomach cancer.
So that they can make wise decisions regarding their lifestyle choices, “these findings will hopefully assist people better understand what increases their risk of cancer.”
Reference: Independent NBC News Sky News