Category: Sunnah

Two best statements loved by Allah

1 min readThese are the two statements dear to Allah, light on tongue and heavy on scales : سبحان الله وبحمده، سبحان الله العظيم Transliteration: ‘Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim Translation: Glory be to Allah...

What is the benefit of Giving Salam?

1 min readAdvantages of saying As-Salaamu Alaikum Saying As-Salaamu Alaikum has a number of benefits, some of which are listed below: Saying As-Salaamu Alaikum earns you a lot of rewards. Salaam is a part...

Top 7 scientific benefits of using Miswak

5 min readWhat are the advantages of using a ‘Miswak’ toothbrush instead of a normal toothbrush? How does Miswak stack up against a normal toothbrush, you might wonder? Without further ado, here are the...

7 sunnah before Sleeping

4 min readIn this article, we’ve compiled a list of Sahih hadiths that will offer you an overview of some of the Prophet’s pre-bedtime traditions. Remember that these are the Prophet’s Sunnah, not fardh...

7 easy sunnah to perform on Friday

3 min readIn Islam, Friday is regarded as the most auspicious day of the week. Friday is the most important day of the week since it is the day when Muslims congregate for congregational...

10 Sunnah to communicate with people

3 min readWe interact with others on a regular basis, so what could be better than learning some basic manners that will help us improve our interactions? Let’s try to utilize these modest etiquettes...

7 Sunnah etiquettes of entering a place

famous hadith scholar of his time, was so committed to following this sunnah that if someone entered his house with their left foot first, he would tell them to leave and return with their right foot first.

7 Sunnah of eating- Revive a Sunnah

Begin with washing your hands
Start with saying Bismillah
Start with the food closest to your plate, using your right hand.
Be appreciative for what you have and refrain from criticising the food you have been provided.
Don’t overeat; eat in moderation.
Do not waste food.
Give thanks to Allah and be grateful for what you have.