Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal and the Dua of Baker

1 min read
An account of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and the Baker claims that Astaghfirullah is helpful for making all duas (supplications to Allah) come true. The story goes as follows: Imam Ahmed, may Allah be pleased with him, once needed to spend the night somewhere while travelling. The guard at the masjid refused to let him in since he didn’t recognise Imam Ahmed. Despite Imam Ahmed’s repeated demands, the guard refused to comply. Imam Ahmed decided to spend the night in the masjid yard out of frustration. Despite Imam Ahmed’s advanced age and infirmity, the guard became enraged and pulled him away.
An adjacent bakery owner saw this scene and felt bad for Imam Ahmed. The Imam was invited to spend the night with him. The baker was constantly making istighfaar (asking Allah for forgiveness) while working, and Imam Ahmed noticed this while he was there. The following morning, the Imam anxiously inquired about the baker’s constant request of forgiveness and other tasbihs. When the baker remarked that it had become second nature, Imam Ahmed afterwards inquired as to whether the man had received any benefit from the practise.
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The baker said Allah accepted all of my duas with the exception of one. Then Imam Ahmad asked what is that dua of yours that Allah didn’t answer? The baker replied I asked Allah to see Imam Ahmad but I didn’t see him yet. Then Imam Ahmad said with astonishment “I am Ahmed ibn Hanbal”. Furthermore Imam said Allah dragged me to your bakery to fulfil the request of your Dua. SubhanAllah!
Moral of the Story: There are many advantages to saying Astaghfirullah and remembering Allah continuously. As stated in the sahih Bukhari (Volume 8, Book 75, Number 321) narrated by Anas bin Malik, asking Allah for forgiveness is also very pleasing to him. In fact, the Prophet said, “Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His slave than anyone of you is pleased with finding his camel which he had lost in the desert.” So let’s please Allah (s.w.t.) and enjoy the rewards of doing so by making it.
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