Islam The Ultimate Peace Blog

How to do Itikaf in Ramadan?

1 min readItikaf is a highly recommended act of worship in Islam during the last 10 days & nights of Ramadan. It involves staying in a mosque for a certain period of time, dedicating...

How to make the best use of Ramadan?

2 min readRamadan is a month of spiritual and physical cleansing, self-reflection, and devotion for Muslims around the world. Here are some tips on how to make the best use of Ramadan: You can...

10 easy dhikr to do in Ramadan

2 min readDhikr is a form of remembrance or glorification of Allah (SWT) through the repetition of certain phrases or names of Allah (SWT). Ramadan is an excellent time to increase our Dhikr and...

Seven tips to stay hydrated in Ramadan

1 min readStaying hydrated during Ramadan is essential to maintaining good health and avoiding dehydration. Here are some tips to help you stay hydrated during Ramadan: In summary, staying hydrated during Ramadan involves drinking...