3 min read
We’re often astounded by how much work successful people accomplish. Their morning habits are one of the secrets to their success. This article outlines the seven most important routines to incorporate into your life in order to achieve success.
There is no question that Allah subuhanawuta’ala is the source of true achievement; who else but He can lead you to prosperity?
The following sahih hadith is an example of this lovely guidance:
“Bless my nation in the early dawn, O Allah.” Sunan ibn Majah (Sunan ibn Majah)
As a result, as part of our beloved Prophet’s (PBUH) Sunnah, we are advised to rise early and make the most of these hours.
We also understand that adhering to the Sunnah will benefit us in both the hereafter and the hereafter.
Researchers discovered that early risers are proactive in another study. This implies that individuals are more motivated to do anything in their lives.
What you can do to make your mornings more productive
Spending the first 2-3 hours of your day quietly is one of the finest methods to improve your health. Make a stress-free start to your day. We all know how stressful it is for folks to arrive late for work.
Here are 7 things you may do within the first 2-3 hours after getting up if you want to succeed in both worlds.
- Get ready for Tahajjud.
Following the required prayers, Tahajjud is the most effective prayer for drawing closer to Allah and improving our spiritual health. The optimal time to pray Tahajjud is towards the end of the night.
From these two hadiths, the blessings of this prayer are quite self-explanatory:
“During the late hours of the night, a slave gets the closest to his Lord. If it is possible for you to be among those who remember Allah, the Exalted One, at that time, do so.” (Sahih At-Tirmidhi)
“Observe night prayer; it was the practise of the virtuous before you, and it brings you closer to your Lord, and it is atonement for wicked deeds and erases sins, as well as repelling disease from the body.” (At-Tirmidhi1)
- Spend some time reading the Quran and remembering Allah.
A phone that isn’t charged is, well, a phone that isn’t charged. A Muslim/ah must also connect with Allah by various forms of adkhar, including reciting the Quran. We are told in the Quran:
“And in the morning and evening, worship the name of your Lord.” 76:26 (Al-Quran)
Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) compared reciting the Quran to eating a citrus fruit. “The believer who recites the Qur’an is like a sweet citrus fruit: its aroma is pleasant, and its flavour is pleasant,” he stated. The believer who does not recite the Qur’an is like a date: it has no smell, but it has a wonderful taste…” (Sahih At-Tirmidhi)
- Pray Fajr (and if possible in the masjid)
Remember to do Fajr on time, but also the sunnah prayer that occurs before it. A hadith about this prayer is as follows:
“Two Rakat for Fajr Sunnah prayer is superior than the Dunyaa and everything in it.” (Sahih Muslim)
What about the Fajr prayer, for example? So, how about heading to the Masjid for Fajr prayer?
- Exercise in the morning
Exercising in the morning is really beneficial to our life. One of the most important thing is that it helps you stay focused throughout the day. - Cleanliness
As you may be aware, Islam places a strong emphasis on personal hygiene. We have received precise commandments about personal hygiene from a number of hadiths. The most significant is this:
“Half of our imaan is cleanliness.” (Muslim Sahih)
Showering in the morning not only helps you fulfil this commandment, but it also gives you the push you need to get your day started right.
Morning showers have a slew of advantages, but the most important is that they help you stay alert throughout the day if you blast yourself with cold water (about 200 degrees Fahrenheit) in the last 1-2 minutes of your shower.
- Have a nutritious breakfast
Our bodies require sufficient care and maintenance. And what’s the greatest strategy to keep oneself in shape? By eating a nutritious meal.
Eating a healthy breakfast with protein, healthy fats, vegetables, and whole-wheat carbs is one of the greatest ways to get your day started.
- Make a daily schedule.
Planning is possibly one of the most overlooked aspects of the Sunnah, as I mentioned in my Ramadan Guide. 9 out of 10 people I meet haven’t even thought about planning their day, let alone their week or year.
Starting your day with a well-thought-out plan will help you stay focused and productive. If you want to accomplish more with less effort, try this simple method!
Take 10 minutes in the morning to make a list of the most important chores that require your attention. Set aside some time for these chores and commit to writing them down.
Remember that effective mornings do not happen by accident; they need work.
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Author : Rushdhi Ismail, the founder of Lean & Healthy.