Top 5 reasons why Muslims Should Travel

3 min read
- Traveling inspires optimism.
When one is in a condition of safr or travelling, one’s supplications are granted a higher level of acceptance. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said,
“Three supplications are answered without doubt. The supplication of the oppressed, the supplication of the traveller, and the supplication of the parent for his son.”
(Hadith by Imam Tirmizi and Imam Abu Dawud)
When you travel to different parts f the world you see the beauty of the nature and different cultures and traditions. We become wise and you can contemplate on the creation of Allah. Continuing to travel to places that have experienced a crisis not only helps to boost their economies, no matter how small, but it also gives those who live there hope – hope that their lives will return to normal, that things will improve, and that their businesses will be able to weather the storm.
- Traveling brings us closer to the rest of the globe.
Fear of being in the middle of a crisis and of discrimination is very real (extended security lines at airports, problems with having a Muslim-sounding name, discrimination when wearing the hijab, etc. ), but if we stay in our homes, we will never be able to empathise with our brothers and sisters who are living these realities on a daily basis.
We are a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural community. On our excursions, we meet Muslims from other origins, other travellers, and new people, forming a profound link. There are numerous ways in which people might surprise us with their generosity toward others if we allow them to do so and reciprocate.
- Traveling entails a level of responsibility.
Unfortunately, much of what is depicted in the media is a distorted view of what Islam is and who Muslims are. It is now more necessary than ever to demonstrate to the rest of the world what Islam truly is: a faith of peace, tolerance, generosity, empathy, and so much more.
We can’t expect others to understand Islam if we, as Muslims, don’t show what a Muslim should be like. It is not only the responsibility of non-Muslims to understand beyond what is provided by the media, but it is even more so of us. When we don’t take the initiative to study and educate ourselves, we can’t criticise others for not knowing. It is our job to educate ourselves about our faith if we want people to think well of us. There’s nothing like the learning opportunities, broadening perspectives, and bridging gaps that come with travel. Tolerance and respect must be fostered in both directions.
Read The Value of Good Character in Islam
- Traveling is an important component of Islam.
If it wasn’t for our faith, we wouldn’t have any instruction on how to travel and how to make things simpler when travelling. Stopping oneself from viewing the world, even if only locally, prevents us from experiencing the flexibility that has been granted to us, such as the ability to combine or shorten prayers.
The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) also urged people to pursue knowledge, and touring the globe is one of the best ways to do so. “Allah makes the way to Jannah simple for someone who walks the path in search of knowledge,” says the Messenger of Allah (may Allah be pleased with him), according to a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him). [Muslim]. Traveling is a fantastic method to learn and experience new things because knowledge has no boundaries. We can visit mosques in different countries, listen to lectures about their societies, and get ideas for improving our own communities.
- Travel in order to assist others
Having the appropriate intentions is always vital in whatever we do. Traveling can be done for a variety of reasons: to learn something new, to spend quality time with loved ones, to appreciate the benefits that God has bestowed upon us, or to serve others. Now is the greatest time to volunteer for any issues that you are passionate about.