What are the Virtues of Friday?

7 min read
Friday is known in Arabic as Yawm al-Jumu‘ah, which literally translates to “day of gathering or assembly.”
Prior to the arrival of Islam, the Arabs referred to this day as ‘al-‘Arubah,’ which means ‘a pleasant day.’ Ka‘b ibn Lu’ayy, the Prophet’s seventh grandfather, changed the name to al-Jumu‘ah because he used to gather the Quraish, the Prophet’s tribe, on Fridays after the sun had reached its zenith. Ka’b ibn Lu’ayy was a firm believer in the Prophet Ibrahim’s (as) religion and the Prophet Muhammad’s (as) coming (saw).
Later, the Quraish would congregate in Dar an-Nadwah, which he erected opposite the Noble Ka‘bah, to listen to Qusayy ibn Kilab, known as ‘al-Mujammi,’ the gatherer (the Prophet (saw) fourth grandfather).
We’ll now look at twelve specific Friday attributes that make it so great!
1) It’s the Blessed Day.
The following hadith demonstrates that Friday has always been the most auspicious day of the week:
This is owing to previous nations’ disagreements on the subject:
‘We (Muslims) are the last (to come), yet we (shall be) the first on the Day of Resurrection, even though the prior nations were given the Scriptures before us,’ stated Allah’s Messenger (saw). Then there had their allotted day (Friday), but they had disagreements about it. So Allah provided us with guidance for it (Friday), and everyone else is on our side in this regard: the Jews’ (holy day) is tomorrow, and the Christians’ is the day after tomorrow.’ [Muslim and Bukhari]
2) Friday is the name of a Surah (Surah Al Jumu’ah)
In the Noble Qur’an, Allah only mentions two days of the week: Saturday and Friday. The following is the only ayah that mentions Friday by name:
Allah not only mentions Friday, but He also names a whole Surah after it, Surah al-Jumu‘ah, Chapter 62. This emphasises the significance of this day with our Lord.
3) Friday is Allah’s (swt) oath.
A Surah is called after Friday, as we explained earlier. Now, as we’ll see below, Allah swears by Friday in the Noble Qur’an as well:
‘The Promised Day is the Day of Resurrection, and the one witnessed is the Day of ‘Arafah, and the witness is Friday,’ the Messenger of Allah (saw) declared in response to the aforementioned ayah. A day that is more virtuous than it does not see the sun rise or set. There is an hour in it when no believing worshipper makes a prayer to Allah for good unless Allah answers it for him, and no believing worshipper seeks Allah’s protection from evil unless Allah protects him from it.’ [Tirmidhi]
Allah not only swears by Friday, but He also chooses a specific time during it (the last hour before sunset) to answer all of our duas!
4) It has a strong link to the Prophet Adam (as)
On Friday, there were five noteworthy incidents in the life of our great forefather, the Prophet Adam (as):
‘Allah made Adam.’ [Ibn Majah]
‘He was destined for Paradise.’ [Muslim]
‘His Tawbah (repentance) was approved.’ [Abu Dawud] [Abu Dawud] [Abu Dawud
‘Allah sent Adam to the earth.’ [Ibn Majah] [Ibn Majah] [Ibn Majah
‘Allah made Adam perish.’ [Ibn Majah] [Ibn Majah] [Ibn Majah
Allah created the Prophet Adam (as) at the last hour before sunset, according to the following hadith:
As previously stated, this is the time when Allah accepts all supplications.
5) It’s the most wonderful day of the week.
In addition to the ahadith above, which clearly state that Friday is a blessed and noteworthy day, the Prophet (saw) stated that Friday is the best day of the week:
SubhanAllah, when it’s stated thus plainly, there’s no doubt that we should focus additional attention on our good deeds on Friday! It’s critical that we maximise our efforts on the best day of the week, whether it’s by reading more Qur’an, reciting extra prayers, or offering Sadaqah.
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6) Friday is Eid Day for Muslims
Every week, Muslims celebrate the Eid festival on Friday:
‘Indeed, today (Friday) is an Eid (holiday) that Allah has made for the Muslims,’ stated Allah’s Messenger (saw). So, whoever comes to the Friday (prayer), let him bathe, and if he has perfume, let him apply it. And the tooth stick (siwak/miswak) is upon you (which I strongly advise you to use). [Ibn Majah] [Ibn Majah] [Ibn Majah
Because Friday is similar to Eid for us, it may explain why the Prophet (saw) encouraged us not to fast on Fridays. Instead, if you desire to fast on Friday for any reason, you should also fast on Thursday or Saturday:
‘None of you should fast on Friday,’ Allah’s Messenger (saw) stated, ‘but each of you should fast before or after it.’ [Muslim]
7) On a Friday, Allah perfected the religion.
As previously stated, the important event of our father Adam’s (as) creation occurred on a Friday. Friday, on the other hand, was divinely chosen for many more significant events, including the perfecting of Islam for this Ummah.
On the authority of Tariq ibn Shihab (ra), who said, “O Commander of the Believers, if this verse had been revealed upon us – “This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favours upon you, and have chosen Islam as your religion” [The Noble Qur’an, 5:3] – we would have taken that day as an Eid day.”
“I know exactly when this ayah was revealed; it was revealed on the Day of ‘Arafah, on a Friday,” ‘Umar [ra] stated. [Bukhari]
As a result, Islam was finished on a day known as a “double Eid.” It was Friday, the Muslim holy day of Eid. It was also the Day of ‘Arafah (9th Dhul Hijjah), which is an Eid for Hajj pilgrims:
8) The Hour of Acceptance is held on Friday.
As previously said, every Friday there is a very special hour during which supplications are accepted:
‘Abu al-Qasim (the kunyah of the Prophet) (saw) stated, “Indeed, there is a moment on Friday when no Muslim would stand, pray, and implore Allah for what is good unless He would give it to him,” according to Abu Hurairah (ra). With his hand, he indicated that (this time) is short and narrow. [Muslim and Bukhari]
Based on the following two ahadith, scholars provide two prevalent perspectives on when this auspicious time occurs:
‘It is between when the Imam sits down and when the prayer ends,’ stated Allah’s Messenger (saw). [Muslim]
‘Friday is twelve hours in which no Muslim slave asks Allah for anything except that He would give it to him,’ the Messenger of Allah (saw) remarked, according to Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah (ra). [Nasa’i]
The majority of scholars believe that supplications are acceptable in the last hour after ‘Asr, or just before sunset. This is because Allah created the Prophet Adam at this time (as). And Allah is the most knowledgeable.
As if that weren’t reason enough to rejoice, Friday will continue to be significant for us even after we die, as we will see.
9) Protection from the grave’s trial
Another significant benefit of Fridays is that if a Muslim dies on a Friday, he or she is exempt from the trial of the grave
- Narrated by Abdullah bin Amr RA, the Prophet PBUH said:
مَا مِنْ مُسْلِمٍ يَمُوْتُ يَوْمَ الْجُمُعَةِ أَو لَيْلَةَ الْجُمُعَةِ إلَّا وَقَاهُ اللَّهُ فِتْنَةَ القَبْرِ
“No Muslim dies on the day of Friday, nor the night of Friday, except that Allah protects him from the trials of the grave.”
10) It is when the Day of Judgment takes place.
“The Last Hour will not take place unless on Friday,” the Prophet (saw) declared. [Muslim]
Another hadith claims that Fridays are feared by Allah’s creation: “There is no angel who is brought close (to Allah), no sky, no earth, no winds, no mountains, and no sea that does not fear Friday.” [Ibn Majah] [Ibn Majah] [Ibn Majah
Unfortunately, this is not true for jinn and men. ‘Every beast, except jinn and men, is on the lookout from dawn to daybreak on Friday in terror of the Last Hour.’ [Abu Dawud] [Abu Dawud] [Abu Dawud
‘The people questioned, ‘O Messenger of Allah, how can our blessings be delivered to you when your body has decayed?” he (the narrator) said. “Indeed, Allah, Mighty and Exalted be He, has forbidden the earth to (consume) the bodies of Prophets,” he remarked. [Abu Dawud] [Abu Dawud] [Abu Dawud
As a result, the Prophet (saw) directs his Ummah to send him more blessings (Salawat) on Fridays. This is in line with his assertion:
In the Noble Qur’an, the Day of Judgment is referred to as ‘Yawm al-Jam,’ or the Day of Gathering [The Noble Qur’an, 42:7 and 64:9].
11) Allah will appear to us on a Friday.
Friday’s most important event and reward is surely seeing Allah, as we will on the Day of Judgment:
The citizens of Paradise will also get to see Allah, which is the greatest reward. According to scholars, the following two ayahs (ziyadah and mazid), which speak of “even more” (ziyadah and mazid), allude to seeing Allah:
‘Those who do good will be rewarded handsomely and even more handsomely’ (ziyadah). They will not be covered by gloom or shame. They will be the ones to live in Paradise. They’ll remain there indefinitely.’ [10:26] The Noble Qur’an
‘They will have whatever they want there, and it will be even more (mazid) with Us.’ [50:35] The Noble Qur’an
12) Friday is the king of the week.
After reading all of the preceding ahadith, it should come as no surprise that the Prophet (saw) declared Friday to be the master of all days. Fridays’ importance is so great that it outweighs the benefits of other days, even Eid holidays:
As a result, it is critical that we reflect on the virtues of today and maximise our efforts on Friday.
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