12 tips to increase the chances of you Dua getting Answered

1 min read
Do Dua During these tims and follow these tips:
1.When you’re fasting and after you’ve broken your fast
2.In the last portion of the night
3. When rain is falling,
4.After completing the reading of the Quran
5.On Fridays between Athan and Iqamah”The Supplication made between the Athan and the Iqamah is never denied” Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi
6.In Salah, make Dua’a in your Sujoud. “A servant is nearest to his Lord when he is in sujoud, so make supplication frequently.” (Muslim)
7.Make a private Dua for your Muslim brother and sister.
8.Make Dua whole travelling
9. Make Dua after every Fard( Obligatory) Salah
10. Make Dua after Asr Salah on Friday
11. Use the beautiful names of Allah while making Dua
12. Send salutations to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
Best Tip: Praise Allah and send a lot of blessings and salutations to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to get your Dua answered. You can make Dua in your own language.