6 Islamic Solutions for Depression

4 min read
You will learn that Muslims should never experience sadness and that a believer will not encounter it, unless Satan has managed to deceive them in some way. That’s just incorrect. Statements like this only push those who are depressed, anxious, or despairing into drowning even more.
The differences between depression and sadness should be understood since sadness is a short-term feeling, while depression may be painful and debilitating for extended periods of time.
Sadness is a vital human trait. Everyone knows it; even our prophets had bouts of sorrow. We may look to the example of Yaqub (AS), who cried till he became blind, or our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who also suffered sorrow after losing his wife and uncle. For this reason, a feeling of sorrow never reveals weakness. Everyone gets depressed, which is human. Even with a firm belief in God, believers may still experience sorrow.

Follow this 6 antidotes to depression:
- We can battle sadness and despondency with Imaan’s teachings. Accepting and recognising your sorrow is a healthy and natural response. The faith of someone who endures sorrow and loss without sinking into depression or denial may overcome it with hope. True trust is fundamentally that.
If you’ve been trapped by your suffering, caught in a vicious cycle of depression, or even if you feel as if you’ve completely run out of hope, here are some facts that may help you get through your darkest moments and restore your faith that things will get better, God willing.
2. Each person’s load is uniquely tailored to their ability to carry it.
Don’t let yourself be burdened by a task that is impossible for you to complete. Even on days when you feel you cannot bear to do it anymore, remember that you will make it through the worst of times. Your struggles are known to Allah (SWT) better than they are to you, and you have the power to make it through them.
3. Hardship is rewarded with relief.
The Prophet (PBUH) assures his faithful that Allah (SWT) said “With adversity [shall be] ease” (Quran 94:5). Trust what He says. Don’t get down when things seem difficult; even if you believe you are at the end of your rope, things will get better. Hardships are, by definition, short-lived. A person who remains faithful and patient while enduring hardships in their life is given rewards beyond what humans can fathom. So bear in mind that the good times are just temporary.
4. Allah (SWT) has everything under control, not you.
You feel hopeless in every respect when you’re depressed, since you have little confidence in yourself and are cynical about the future. There is a feeling of being powerless and that you have no control. Everything you do is pointless. It is under Allah’s (SWT) jurisdiction. Reflect on how helpless you are and how much more powerful than you is the planner who loves you.
Give up trying to manage your life, Allah’s (SWT) plan is the best one for you, and to trust it is to surrender to Him. There are many instances in which the human intellect fails to comprehend Allah’s (SWT) transcendent wisdom, which guides every detail of our lives. But simply knowing that Allah (SWT) is in charge and receiving the fulfilment of His intentions for us in the end encourages the well-being of our mind, body, and soul.
5. You’ve got to do your best, and the rest is up to Allah (SWT)
You must remember that human duty is limited. All Allah wants of us is that we do our best and leave the results to him (SWT). We can only control what we do and what we’re obligated to do; we have no control over the results. Even prophets of Allah (SWT) could not determine their own futures. A person’s efforts, rather than their accomplishments, determine how much they are rewarded in the end. Don’t let worry over things you can’t control keep you from embracing Allah’s (SWT) perfection. Don’t get worked up over your ambiguous future. Do your best and then trust Him to handle the rest.
6. Count your blessings, and be thankful to Allah (SWT).
We tend to ignore the benefits we have around us when bad things happen to us and instead we concentrate on the things that are going wrong. Human nature is to blame. We’re inclined to let tragedy get the better of us, and we overlook our benefits in the process.
You’ve got so much to be thankful for — remember that and try to shake the black mood that plagues you with worries about how many things you have to be grateful for, which keeps you from appreciating what you have. Consider how fortunate you are to have things that so many others do not have. Writing in a diary where you record a few of things you’re thankful for on a daily basis may really help you build your happiness. It truly does help when you have a positive outlook!
Final thoughts: The way to fight sadness and anxiety is not simple, but Islam helps us through this journey and offers a way to reach its recovery. It’s within the Lord’s power to cure His people. Those who seek Him for assistance are helped. It is important to put your faith in God and the plans He has laid out for you. If you do this, you will experience a feeling of certainty and peace of mind, knowing that you are being guided by the greatest Planner in the universe.
Author: Amna Anwar
Read this Beautiful Book “Don’t Be Sad” by Aidh al Qarni : https://amzn.to/3tMqOHv
Reference: https://www.islamicfinder.org/, www.Sunnah.com, www.Quran.com
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