8 Strategies for Busy Muslims to Memorize the Quran

3 min read
Every Muslim’s desire is to memorise the Quran, also known as “Hifz.” Most brothers and sisters, on the other hand, claim that they don’t have time to memorise the Quran because of their busy daily routines.We met with a number of Islamic scholars, many of whom have memorised the Quran, and asked them for practical advice on how to master Quran memorising while juggling work and family obligations.
The following are some of the suggestions they made (all of them are geared toward busy people):
1- Get Up Early Be the first to get up and, if feasible, be the first to say Fajr prayers at the mosque. Spend a few minutes memorising the Quran after you’ve finished your early morning prayers, rather than engaging in trivial things like watching TV or surfing the internet.
2- Set realistic goals and memorise a smaller amount of information than you think you can.
You can be enticed to remember one or two pages per day in your quest for excellence in online hifz classes, as it appears to be a reasonable objective. However, due to a lack of time, you may soon give up. Reduce your expectations and begin by memorising three to five lines every day.
Even the busiest people can benefit from devoting at least 20 minutes to this type of memorization approach.

3- Make use of the Familiarity Method.
When you first begin memorising the Quran, you will undoubtedly come across unfamiliar verses. As a result, you can write five verses on a sheet of paper and memorise them by heart to commit them to memory.
Over the next three weeks, read those verses over and over again until you have them completely memorised.
4- Keep a copy of the daily verses with you at all times.
Use every free opportunity during the day to read and remember the Quran lines you’ve chosen to commit to memory. For example, when waiting for a bus or a doctor’s appointment, you may have many free minutes.
You can keep a list of the day’s verses in your handbag or pocket for quick reference and refer to it if you’re having trouble remembering what you’re learning.
5- In each Salah, recite what you’ve memorised.
You can recite everyday verses in the five daily prayers to help you remember what you’re learning. You can alternate between the five verses you learned the day before and the five verses you learned the day before in each raka.
6- Keep track of your objectives
If one page of the Quran has at least 15 lines, you will have learned two pages of the Quran by the end of the week, and this pattern will continue until you have fully committed the Quran to memory.
You can also learn verse by verse with translation and reflect on the significance of the verses.
7- A non-distracting environment
It is important to remember the Quran in a quiet environment with minimal distractions. You will be able to enhance concentrate and hence keep what you memorise if you ensure that the setting is calm.
Early morning memorising exercises, for example, are extremely effective due to the low number of distractions at that time.
You can also boost your concentration by turning off your phone and laptop and focusing only on the Quran.
8- In a single day, go through what you memorised as many times as possible.
It is critical to review each verse learned in order to memorise the Quran. You can use the three methods below to ensure that you remember all you’ve learned:
At the start of each day, start a fresh memorising.
Before you begin new memorising, go over the lines you learned the previous week. The idea behind this arrangement is that the most recent memorization is the first to be forgotten. As a result, going over the preceding chapters of the Quran will serve as a useful cerebral warm-up exercise.
You’ll also be able to make connections between the stuff you’ve already memorised and the new material you’re about to memorise.
Revise the material you learned the previous seven days during the same day at a different hour.
You can also use Quran memorising applications to help you stay on track with your memorization objectives.
To summarise, regardless of how busy you are, you will be able to memorise little portions of the Quran and eventually full memorization over time if you attempt to adopt the guidelines described above.
Regardless, consistency, devotion, and hard study are the keys to memorising the Quran. Furthermore, the benefits of doing so are immeasurable; not only will your imaan and taqwa improve, but your self-esteem and confidence will as well.
Author: Lisa Zahran is a writer and copywriter who has worked with bestselling authors and personal development companies including Productive Muslim and Mindvalley.
You can use this type of Quran for Memorising: https://amzn.to/3ka6zAr
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