How To Be a muslim of noble Character?

1 min read
In a world of big ambitions and high competitions it is easy to get under pressure and stress. We challenge ourselves to have everything what we desire, yet when things do not go the way we planned, we may get frustrated.
As Muslims, we need to understand that this world nothing but a test. No matter what happens to us we must control ourselves. Praying is significant, also handling ourselves between prayers is not less important.
When the Prophet ﷺ was asked about which act leads people to enter Paradise the most, he replied, “Piety and good character.” (Sunan At-Tirmidhee: 2004; Sunan Ibn Maajah: 4246)
From this Hadith we learn as followers of Noble Prophet ﷺ we need to have noble character in order to achieve Allah’s Pleasure and get Jannah.
Author: Binti Abdaly