Dua is a gift from Allah

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Do your Dua sincerely

It’s not that we’ve forgotten about dua; we still refer to it on a regular basis. However, our understanding and practise of dua has gotten twisted.

It is frequently reduced to the status of a ritual. It is generally regarded as a final resort after all other options have failed. It is demeaned by behaviours and, on sometimes, words. Is it any surprise that today, mentioning dua almost always means a situation is hopeless?

What a pity, because dua is a believer’s most powerful weapon. It has the power to modify fate in a way that no human action ever has. It’s what worship is all about. We can never fail with it, and we can never succeed without it. It should be the believer’s first and final resort, with all of his other ideas and acts falling somewhere in between.

Make contact with Him

Dua is a conversation between us and Allah, our Creator, Lord, and Master, the All-Knowing, All-Powerful. This is a monumental gesture in and of itself. It’s the most uplifting, freeing, empowering, and life-changing talk you’ll ever have.

We turn to Him because we know that He is the only one who can alleviate our sorrows and provide solutions to our issues. And we feel relieved after telling our Creator about our problems.

We feel more powerful now that we’ve spoken with the All-Powerful. And after speaking with the Most Merciful, we perceive His mercy all around us.

We renew our commitment to follow His path since it is the only way to success. And we consider each such commitment to be a blessing.

Our initial and last actions in every situation are both dua. We pray to Allah to teach us the way to deal with the problem; we ask for His assistance in following the road He has shown us; and we pray for His support in making our efforts fruitful.

When we get sick, we know that without His permission, we won’t be able to find the proper doctor; that even the best doctor won’t be able to identify our problem; and that the best treatment plan won’t work. For all of these, we produce dua. Before seeking medical aid, while receiving it, and after it has been delivered, we make dua. The same can be said for any other obstacles we may face.

Worship in Its Purest Form

Ibadah is incomplete without dua. In du’a, a person asserts his conviction in Tawheed (monotheism) and rejects all false gods. His faith in Allah develops with each dua. He begs Him, acknowledging his own helplessness.

A person who is engaged in dua honestly and truly recognises and affirms the bond between himself and the Creator via his acts. That is what worship is all about!

Furthermore, as a logical result of real worship, such a person can never become arrogant or proud.

A Lethal Weapon

In all of life’s battles, as well as in jihad on the battlefield, dua is our most powerful weapon. During the Battle of Badr, the Prophet Muhammad stayed up all night in prayer, pleading with Allah for assistance in the battle that would take place the next day against unequal armies.

Sultan Salahuddeen Ayyubi was active day and night in the final battles against the crusaders. His days were spent pursuing Jihad. His nights were spent doing du’a, sobbing, and pleading with Allah for assistance.

We should make it a habit to make dua for all of life’s events, large and little. The realisation that great and tiny are arbitrary terms that are completely useless in this situation is the beginning of knowledge.

Nothing is too huge for Whom we are seeking assistance from, and nothing is too tiny for the one who is seeking assistance. That is why we have been taught to pray to Allah for even the tiniest of needs, such as shoelaces. We should inquire as if we were a beggar or a penniless person, since that is how we are in reality in connection to Allah.

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