How many times a Muslim need to pray every day?

1 min read
All Muslims who are of sound mind and have reached puberty are required to pray five times a day.
The initial number of prayers every day was fifty, but Allah (God) decreased it to five for mankind’s sake. Even still, praying five times a day earns you the same reward as praying fifty times a day. So even if a Muslim prays five times a day, he or she is rewarded tenfold.
Salah is the only act of worship provided directly by Allah to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) without the use of intermediaries. All other forms of worship were given to Prophet Muhammad by the angel Jibreel (Gabriel). Salah, on the other hand, is such a respectable and cherished act of worship. Allah asked Prophet Muhammad to ascend above the seven Heavens in order to receive this spiritual gift directly from Him.
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During the astonishing ascension to the heavenly realms. Al-Isra’ Wal-Mi’raj is the Islamic term for this. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) describes how Allah bestowed upon him the spiritual gift of prayer. And that’s how fifty prayers got to be reduced to only five.
Since that day, all Muhammad’s (PBUH) followers have been required to do the five prayers. Muslims from all across the world, from America to Japan, now pray five times a day. Developing a daily spiritual connection with God.
Non-Muslims are occasionally perplexed by the answer to the question, “How many times a day do Muslims pray?” Yet, for a Muslim, praying five times a day is an important element of his or her daily practise and spiritual development. Throughout the day, they express their thankfulness and adoration to their Creator.
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