8 etiquettes of Drinking Zamzam Water

2 min read
Zamzam water is a miraculous manifestation of Allah’s power. Every year, thousands of pilgrims from over the world travel to Makka for Hajj & Umrah, drinking water from the Zamzam well and carrying it home for their families and relations. The well gets filled with water in about 11 minutes after the water is extracted from the well. As a result, it is a powerful demonstration of Allah’s power and a marvellous miracle. The best water on the planet is Zamzam water. This water is sacred, blessed, delicious, and nourishing.
It’s the well of Ismail, Ibrahim’s son (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them both), where Allah satisfied Ismail’s thirst when he was a child. His mother tried for a source of water for him but was unable to locate one. She ascended to the top of al-Safaa, appealing to Allaah to assist her and provide water for Ismail, and then ascended to the top of al-Marwah, doing the same. Allah dispatched Jibreel, and then Ismail slammed his heels into the soil, causing water to pour out.
It is obligatory to drink Zamzam water (recommended). Because the Prophet (pbuh) drank the water of Zamzam, Islamic scholars believed that drinking from the well is recommended for all pilgrims during Hajj and ‘Umrah, and for all Muslims in general. 3/492 (Sahih Bukhaari).

“It is a blessing, and it is food that satisfies,” the Prophet (pbuh) stated about the water of Zamzam, according to the hadeeth of Abu Dharr (Ra). 4/1922 (Sahih Muslim). “During the time of Jaahiliyyah, people used to compete over Zamzam,” Al-‘Abbaas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib (Ra) remarked. People with children used to bring them to the water and give them a drink, and this was one of their first morning activities. We used to think it was only for parents with children.” “During the Jaahiliyyah, Zamzam was known as Shabaa’ah (satisfaction),” according to Al-‘Abbaas.
When drinking Zamzam water, the fuqaha have listed various etiquettes that must be followed:
Face the Kabah while drinking
Start drinking with Bismillah
pausing three times to breathe properly
Thanking Allah once one has completed drinking
Drinking it while seated.
However, according to a hadith, drinking Zamzam water while standing is mustahab. “I offered the Prophet (pbuh) Zamzam water to drink when he was standing,” Ibn Abbas (Ra) remarked. 3/492 (Sahih Bukhaari).
spritzing the head, face, and chest with water
consuming it with a lot of duas and for a reason that will benefit him in this world and the next. Because the Prophet (pbuh) declared in a hadeeth, “The water of Zamzam is for whatever purpose it is drunk for.” (Ibn Maajah, 2/1018; al-Sakhaawi, Al-Maqaasid al-Hasanah, p. 359).
Author: Mufti Muhammad Shoaib
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