How Islam Treats Animals?

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This is an intriguing facet of our magnificent civilisation, even if it is not rare in the times we live in. Until the contemporary era, humans did not believe that animals had any right to charity or kindness. During festivals and festivities, as well as for sport, some modern nations continue to delight themselves by killing animals.

Our culture is distinguished by its values as well as sympathetic, sensitive, and humanitarian attitudes that have never been seen in any other civilization before or subsequently. This element is animal love and compassion, a mercy that attracts attention and inspires admiration and awe. The examples below are just a few.

The first thing that our society states about animal friendliness is that animals, like humans, have their own unique traits, nature, and feelings:

And there is no creature on (or within) the earth or bird that can fly with its wings unless it is a community like yours… 6:38 (Qur’an)

Animals, like people, are entitled to compassion and mercy.

Allah would offer mercy to anybody who gives kindness, even to a slaughtered animal, on the Day of Resurrection, according to the Prophet (sa). (Bukhari)

Mercy towards animals may even lead to a person’s entrance into paradise:

A man was stricken with acute hunger while going down the road, according to the Prophet (sa). He soon discovered a well. He descended into it, drank, and then emerged. He noticed a dog panting and licking the dust on the ground (in a vain search for water). The man explained, “This dog, like me, is thirsty.” So he returned to the well, filled his shoe with water, held it in his teeth, climbed out, and gave the dog a drink. Allah praised (his deed) and pardoned him (his sins).

People asked, “Will we be rewarded (for how we treat animals), O Messenger of Allah?”

He said, “There is a reward in assisting every living person.” (Abu Dâwood, Bukhari, Muslim)

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Cruelty to animals, on the other hand, can lead to eternal damnation:

According to the Prophet (sa), a woman went to hell because she had a cat that she had tied up. She didn’t feed it, and she didn’t let it out to devour the earth’s vermin. (Muslim and Bukhari)

The Shariah goes even further in enjoining animal charity. When an animal is standing still, it is forbidden to stay on its back for too long.

The Prophet (sa) advised, “Do not use your animals’ backs as chairs.” (Muslim and Bukhari)

Animals must not be starved or made thin and feeble, according to Islam.

When the Prophet (sa) was passing by, he noticed a camel whose belly was stuck to its back (because of hunger). He added, “Fear Allah when it comes to these deafening creatures.” When they’re fit, ride them, and when they’re fit, slaughter and devour them. (Abu Dâwood and Ibn Khuzaymah; al-Albâni says it’s a good hadith)

It’s also against the law to put them to sleep by forcing them do more work than they’re capable of.

The Messenger of Allah (sa) once went into a garden belonging to an Ansâr man (helpers). There was a camel in the garden. The camel sighed and cried tears of joy when it met the Prophet (sa). It was visited by Allah’s Messenger (sa), who wiped away its tears. Then he inquired, “Who owns this camel?” Its owner declared, “I am, O Allah’s Messenger.” Do you not fear Allah in relation to this animal that Allah has given you custody of? asked the Prophet (sa). You are hungry and exhausting it, it has complained to me (meaning wearing it out by making it work too much). (Abu Dâwood; al-Albâni says it’s a good hadith)

Arbitraged from: Civilization of Faith by Dr. Mustafa as-Sibâ‘ie

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