Islam The Ultimate Peace Blog

Man from India walks 8,650 km to perform Hajj

1 min readShihab Chottur, a 29-year-old Kerala native, accomplished his lifelong dream of performing the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca after embarking on an extraordinary 382-day journey on foot. Instead of traveling by conventional means...

What is Ihram during hajj and Umrah?

1 min readIhram refers to the sacred state that a Muslim enters into for the purpose of performing Hajj or Umrah pilgrimage. It involves specific rituals, clothing, and restrictions that symbolize purity and devotion...

What is Miqat and the 5 locations of Miqat?

1 min readThe Miqat refers to the designated boundary points or stations that mark the entry into the state of Ihram, the ritual state for performing Hajj or Umrah pilgrimage. It is the point...